A coed, independent, Christian institution in South, Korea, educating students in pre-k through twelfth grade

Chairman's Welcome
I would like to joyfully welcome you to GIA Micro School, a place which has been my vision and dream as a child educational developer from my early young adulthood. At GIA I have strived to integrate fundamental principles of child education and development with my own personal educational inspirations. I will extend my hands and welcome you and your children daily with arms wide open and the grace of God and my heart.
First, I would like to share with you my strong dedication for child education and development. For years I have stressed the need to be able to educate our children with strong ethical, cultural, and individual values. My educational values have grown after years of travelling abroad throughout the world, experiencing cultures and their educational principles. Upon returning to Korea, my vision to develop an educational program which would enable our children to expand their minds globally and possibly even become global leaders became my passion. Though this is not a simple feat, it is definitely challenging and rewarding to see its progress become a reality.
From my earliest roots at the nursery I founded and named as Little GIA about 8 years ago, I felt my pioneering ambitions begin to take shape. There I began to introduce educational principles which focused on the need to educate our children to become global citizens. One such need which I definitely felt a strong bond to develop was introducing an English program for young learners. At the time I felt that this program was lacking behind other non-English speaking countries, and so I dedicated myself to develop this program. Since then, I have seen the development of such programs throughout Korea, and I have also maintained continued to pioneer its development at GIA, by introducing new methodology and experiences which will facilitate learning English. I feel that the process of learning is not simple, thus the process of learning a second language is even more complex, so I feel a constant need to continue to seek new methods for learning English, and now other important languages such as Chinese.
Another important aspect of our educational program, which truly makes GIA 'a micro-school' is our focus on providing personalized education for all students based on their learning pace. This vision is what drove the school to adopt new curriculum in 2017 based on various E-learning applications and programs, that would allow students to work independently at their own pace, while also working on assignments that were personalized for their specific abilities. I truly believe that student's long-term success depends on these self-driven learning habits that will allow them to be independent and creative learners.
As a final note, I would like to add that at the center of a lot of GIA’s philosophy, is its recognition of strong Christian values and ethics. I feel that if there is only one thing that students will inscribe in their hearts from my teachings, it is knowing that each one of us is a loved child of God. I truly believe that the most important mission that I have been assigned to is to engage our children with Christian faith from early ages. I hope to continue to foster this need for educating our children with strong integration to the global community, understanding of the importance of spreading the Gospel to the world, and becoming God-appointed missionaries on their own.
At its heart, GIA is very much a family school. All our staff members and I fully embrace the roles of pastoral care and leadership and understand the needs of modern, busy families. Please do come and visit us – we will be delighted to see you and show you more of this special place!
Moung-wha Grace Lee
Fear of the LORD is the beginning of wisdom,
and the knowledge of the Holy One is insight.